~~NOTOC~~ ====== AMC SS2023 ====== ===== Group Sub Pages ===== * [[.:group-a:start|Group A]] * [[.:group-b:start|Group B]] * [[.:group-c:start|Group C]] * [[.:group-d:start|Group D]] * [[.:group-e:start|Group E]] * [[.:group-f:start|Group F]] * [[.:group-g:start|Group G]] * [[.:group-j:start|Group J]] * [[.:group-s:start|Group S]] * [[.:group-t:start|Group T]] * [[.:group-u:start|Group U]] * [[.:group-v:start|Group V]] * [[.:group-w:start|Group W]] * [[.:group-x:start|Group X]] * [[.:group-y:start|Group Y]] * [[.:group-z:start|Group Z]] ===== Some Datasheets ====== **[[.:datasheets:start]]** ===== Student Project Offers ===== - Smart greenhouse water trolley "Gießwagen" (WiFi, Dashboard), \\ e.g. https://www.rathmakers.de/project/hgw/ - Smart metering: gas meter with magnetic sensor (LoRa, WiFi, Dashboard) - Smart metering: water meter with computer vision (LoRa, WiFi, Dashboard) - Intrusion detection (LOw Power, LoRa, Dashboard). \\ Use the Arduino compatible LoRa boards (HelTec or TTGO) \\ e.g. https://heltec.org/project/wifi-lora-32-v3/ \\ Sensors: - IMU, accelerometer - PIR motion detecion \\ e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4q85neFwjE - Radar presence (motion) detector \\ e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAzHXpP3FcI - Radar (Microwave) proximity sensors \\ e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJoPkKlxFXA - Noise (Microphone) - Pressure - etc. - Smart bird house with computer vision (ESP CAM, WiFi, Dashboard) - Animal detector with computer vision and AI (WiFi, Dashboard) /* - Green Fab Lab Greenhouse window automation and climate control - Green Fab Lab Greenhouse water monitoring and irrigation */ ===== Structure / Methods / Technologies ===== * Class build around Home Assistant * Many Features and topics especially in combination with Addons * MQTT * NodeRed * Grafana * InfluxDB * MariaDB * Every Group with its own Home Assistant Server * First half of the class: Get to know the basics of all the systems * Second half: Working in groups on actual projects (preferably for the greenhouse). Self-teaching in the topic of interest. Class hours = Lab Hours * 4 Groups (9 possible with seconds cluster) ==== Class ideas ==== - Tasmota - What is an MCU - What protocols are there - What is Tasmota - Integration of one sensor in Tasmota - Task: Find out how to connect a different sensor to Tasmota - Introduction to Home Assistant and start with MQTT in Connection with Tasmota - Introduction to NodeRed - Introduction to InfluxDB and MariaDB - Introduction to Grafana and how to combine all the previous stuff ==== Some Links ==== * [[https://github.com/mattlongman/Hassio-Access-Point|Home Assistant WiFi AccessPoint with RPi]] ==== AMC Hardware Boxes ==== * Esp8266 * Vl53l0x * Widerstand Set * 2x Knöpfe * 3x R/Y/G LED * RTC * 2x Poti * Breadboard * Mf und mm Kabel * USB Kabel * Ds18b20