ULSA Python Workshop - 2022-09-09

Workshop by Clein Sarmiento and Rolf Becker from HSRW on 2022-09-09

About HSRW



Student workshop at ULSA with Clein and Rolf, 2022-09-09

Code Snippets to Handle the Conda Environment

This code is to be executed in a terminal. I extended the list of software packages to be installed to run all provided workshop examples. Mac and Linux users just open a standard terminal. On Windows open the Anaconda Powershell prompt.
Execute the following code:

# create conda environment including installation of all necessary packages
conda create -c conda-forge -n ulsa python=3 jupyterlab ipywidgets numpy pandas scipy scikit-learn matplotlib plotly seaborn 
# activate conda environment                                                                       
conda activate ulsa
# other packages: web scraper
conda install -c conda-forge beautifulsoup4
# other packages: web dashboards with dash/plotly
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter-dash dash dash-core-components dash-html-components
# start Jupyter-Lab (<Ctrl>-C in the terminal to exit jupyter-lab)
# leave conda envoronment and change to the base (default) environment
conda deactivate
# remove environment (in case you want to delete it)
# conda env remove -n ulsa