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AMC SS2023

Student Project Offers

  1. Smart greenhouse water trolley “Gießwagen” (WiFi, Dashboard),
  2. Smart metering: gas meter with magnetic sensor (LoRa, WiFi, Dashboard)
  3. Smart metering: water meter with computer vision (LoRa, WiFi, Dashboard)
  4. Intrusion detection (LoRa, Dashboard).
    Use the Arduino compatible LoRa boards (HelTec or TTGO)
    1. Radar presence (motion) detector
    2. Radar (Microwave) proximity sensors
    3. Noise (Microphone)
    4. Pressure
    5. etc.
  5. Smart bird house with computer vision (ESP CAM, WiFi, Dashboard)
  6. Animal detector with computer vision and AI (WiFi, Dashboard)

Structure / Methods / Technologies

  • Class build around Home Assistant
  • Many Features and topics especially in combination with Addons
    • MQTT
    • NodeRed
    • Grafana
    • InfluxDB
    • MariaDB
  • Every Group with its own Home Assistant Server
  • First half of the class: Get to know the basics of all the systems
  • Second half: Working in groups on actual projects (preferably for the greenhouse). Self-teaching in the topic of interest. Class hours = Lab Hours
  • 4 Groups (9 possible with seconds cluster)

Class ideas

  1. Tasmota
    1. What is an MCU
    2. What protocols are there
    3. What is Tasmota
    4. Integration of one sensor in Tasmota
    5. Task: Find out how to connect a different sensor to Tasmota
  2. Introduction to Home Assistant and start with MQTT in Connection with Tasmota
  3. Introduction to NodeRed
  4. Introduction to InfluxDB and MariaDB
  5. Introduction to Grafana and how to combine all the previous stuff

AMC Hardware Boxes

  • Esp8266
  • Vl53l0x
  • Widerstand Set
  • 2x Knöpfe
  • 3x R/Y/G LED
  • RTC
  • 2x Poti
  • Breadboard
  • Mf und mm Kabel
  • USB Kabel
  • Ds18b20
amc/ss2023/start.1682415270.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/25 11:34 by rolf.becker