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Linux Cheatsheet

Files and Navigation

Command Description
ls list all files/folders on current dir
ls -l formatted listing
ls -la formatted listing including hidden files
cd <dir> change directory to dir
cd .. change to parent directory
cd ./<dir> change to dir in parent directory
cd change to home directory
pwd show current directory
mkdir <dir> create a directory dir
rm <file> remove file
rm -f <dir> force remove file
rm -r <dir> remove directory dir
rm -rf <dir> force remove directory dir
rm -rf / It's like exploding a nuclear bomb targeting your entire operating system. NEVER USE IT!
cp <file1> <file2> copy file1 to file2
mv <file1> <file2> mv file1 to file2
mv <file1> <dir/file2> mv file1 to dir as file2
touch <file> create or update file
cat <file> output contents of file
cat > <file> write standard input into file
cat » <file> append standard input into file
tail -f <file> output contents of file as it grows


Command Description
ps display currently active processes
ps aux detailed outputs
kill pid kill process with process id (pid)
killall proc kill all processes named proc

System Info

Command Description
date show current date/time
uptime show uptime
whoami show you are logged in as
w display who is online
cat /proc/cpuinfo display cpu info
cat /proc/meminfo display memory info
free show memory and swap usage
du show directory space usage
du -sh display readable sizes in GB
df show disk usage
uname -a show kernel config


Command Description
ping host ping host
whois domain get whois for domain
dig domain get DNS for domain
dig -x host reserve lookup host
wget <file> download file
wget -c <file> continue stopped download
wget -r <url> recursively download file from url
curl <url> output the webpage from url
curl -o page.html url writes the page to page.html
ssh -p port user@host connect using port
ssh -D user@host connect and use bind port


Command Description
chmod change permission of file
  • 4 → read r
  • 2 → write w
  • 1 → execute x

order: owner/group/world → -rwxrwxrwx


* chmod 777 rwx for everyone * chmod 755 rwx for owner, rx for group and world

ip/ws2021/lets_plaiy/linux_cheat-sheet.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/05 14:38 by